
Mostrando las entradas de marzo 17, 2009

Brasil 1534-1548

1534. Pero Lopes de Sousa, irmão de Martim Affonso, tendo obtido a Capitania de S. Amaro encravada na de S. Vicente, consegue fundar huma pequena colonia, não sem bastante resistencia dos Indigenas.--A Pero de Goes coube a Capitania da Parahyba do Sul; e tendo della tomado posse neste anno, vê-se obrigado a abandonal-a dentro em pouco tempo.--A Vasco Fernandes Coutinho coube a Capitania do Espirito Santo: consegue estabelecer-se nas immediações do lugar onde desembarcou Cabral, e aldêar os Indios Tupininquins ahi existentes.--A Jorge de Figueiredo Corrêa foi dada a Capitania dos Ilhéos; e a Pero do Campo Toyrinho a de Porto-Seguro. Ambas estas Capitanias florecerão dentro em pouco tempo, chegando até a de Porto-Seguro a exportar grande quantidade de assucar. 1535. Tendo sido dada a Duarte Coelho Pereira a Capitania de Pernambuco, chega elle ao seu destino, trazendo em sua companhia grande numero de familias: e depois de expellir os temiveis Cahetés, lança os fundamentos da cidade ...

Brasil 1526, 1532

1526. Para obstar a qualquer tentativa dos estrangeiros no Brasil parte huma esquadra ao mando de Christovão Jacques. Com effeito, chegando este á Bahia de Todos os Santos encontra e mette a pique dous navios Francezes que poucos dias antes ahi havião entrado. Parte depois para o Norte, e funda nas costas de Pernambuco a primeira feitoria Portugueza, denominada Itamaracá. 1530. Tendo-se os Francezes estabelecido na feitoria de Itamaracá, por elles occupada, envia El-Rei Duarte Coelho Pereira que os expulsa, e transfere a feitoria para Iguaraçú, poucas milhas distante da primeira.--Tendo-se tambem sabido que os Hespanhóes se achavão estabelecidos no Rio da Prata, e temendo El-Rei que elles se quizessem estender pelas terras do Brasil envia uma armada ás ordens de Martim Affonso de Sousa (3 de Dezembro). 1531. El-Rei divide o Brasil em Capitanias hereditarias; as quaes distribue por pessoas benemeritas por seus serviços com a obrigação de povoal-as afim de obstar ás invasões estr...


From 1643 to 1684 Massachusetts, Plymouth, Connecticut, and New Haven formed a confederation under the style of the United Colonies of New England. Maine, Providence, and Rhode Island sought membership, but were refused as being civilly and religiously out of harmony with the colonies named. Connecticut, offensive to the Dutch, and exposed to hostilities from them, was the most earnest for the union, while at the same time the most conservative as to its form. It was a loose league, leaving each colony independent save as to war and peace, Indian affairs, alliances and boundaries. Questions pertaining to these were to be settled by a commission of two delegates from each of the four colonies, meeting yearly, voting man by man, six out of the eight votes being necessary to bind. The confederacy settled a boundary dispute between New Haven and New Netherland in 1650. It received and disbursed moneys, amounting some years to 600 pounds, for the propagation of the gospel in New England, ...


Some friends of Mrs. Anne Hutchinson established a colony on Aquidneck, the Indian name for Rhode Island. Williams went to England and secured from Parliament a patent which united that plantation with his in one government. Charles II.'s charter of 1663 added Warwick to the first two settlements, renewing and enlarging the patent, and giving freest scope for government according to Williams' ideas. Mrs. Hutchinson, a woman of rare intellect and eloquence, who maintained the right of prívate judgment and pretended to an infallible inner light of revelation, was, like Williams, a victim of Puritan intolerance. She and her followers were banished, and some of them, returning, put to death, 1659-60. She came to Providence, then went to Aquidneck, where her husband died in 1642. She next settled near Hurl Gate, within the Dutch limits, where herself and almost her entire family were butchered by the Indians in 1643. In 1633 the Dutch erected a fort where Hartford now is, but som...
