Basilica St. Francis Of Assisi
The next pictures were painted with Giotto in the Lower Church of St. Francis in Assisi:
Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [01] - Homage of a Simple Man

Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [02] - St Francis Giving his Mantle to a Poor Man
Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [03] - Dream of the Palace
Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [04] - Miracle of the Crucifix
Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [05] - Renunciation of Wordly Goods
Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [06] - Dream of Innocent III
Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [07] - Confirmation of the Rule
Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [08] - Vision of the Flaming Chariot
Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [09] - Vision of the Thrones
Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [10] - Exorcism of the Demons at Arezzo
Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [11] - St Francis before the Sultan (Trial by Fire)
Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [12] - Ecstasy of St Francis
Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [13] - Institution of the Crib at Greccio
Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [14] - Miracle of the Spring
Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [15] - Sermon to the Birds
Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [16] - Death of the Knight of Celano
Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [17] - St Francis Preaching before Honorius III

Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [18] - Apparition at Arles
Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [20] - Death and Ascension of St Francis
Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [22] - Verification of the Stigmata
Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [23] - St Francis Mourned by St Clare
Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [24] - Canonization of St Francis
Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [25] - Dream of St Gregory
Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [01] - Homage of a Simple Man

Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [02] - St Francis Giving his Mantle to a Poor Man

Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [03] - Dream of the Palace

Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [04] - Miracle of the Crucifix

Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [05] - Renunciation of Wordly Goods

Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [06] - Dream of Innocent III

Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [07] - Confirmation of the Rule

Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [08] - Vision of the Flaming Chariot

Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [09] - Vision of the Thrones

Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [10] - Exorcism of the Demons at Arezzo

Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [11] - St Francis before the Sultan (Trial by Fire)

Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [12] - Ecstasy of St Francis

Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [13] - Institution of the Crib at Greccio

Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [14] - Miracle of the Spring

Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [15] - Sermon to the Birds

Giotto - Legend of St Francis - [18] - Apparition at Arles
